Orchestral Tools – Time Micro

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TIME Micro: The Art of Sound and Time 🎶⏳
TIME Micro continues its journey alongside TIME Macro, diving deeper into the mysteries of sound and time. Where TIME Macro explored bold and grandiose orchestral tones, TIME Micro embraces a more subtle, ethereal approach—softer, quieter, and more delicate. Perfect for sound design and underscoring, TIME Micro lets you explore a universe of small ensembles and solo instruments, delivering a unique sonic experience like no other. 🌌🎼
Key Features: ✨ Soft, shimmering, and delicate sounds
✨ Long, sustained textures that evolve over time
✨ Pendulum-like swells and rhythmic clockwork patterns ⏰
✨ Experimental articulations and intricate ‘Chrono Structures’
✨ 14 small ensembles and solo instruments
✨ 5 specialized Combined patches for a seamless experience
Unique Chrono Structures: TIME Micro introduces Chrono Structures, a collection of complex orchestral textures created by layering sounds to reveal the passing of time in music. The Time Orchestra offers layers of instruments with sustained, undulating tones that react to your modwheel, while the Altered Time section manipulates sustain layers that shift forward, backward, and vary in speed, allowing you to suspend time itself in a mesmerizing, entrancing way. 🕰️
14 Ensembles & Instruments: Dive into a wide range of 14 distinct ensembles and solo instruments, from airy woodwinds to soft string bowings. TIME Micro features unique instruments like Basset Horn, Flugelhorn, and Alto Flute, all performing with nuanced sustains, advanced articulations, and dynamic gestures. This collection provides a sound world of soft undulating sustains, ideal for layering and intricate sound design. 🎻🎶
Combined Patches for Versatile Sound Design: With 4 Combined patches, you’ll gain access to a stunning string quartet, a special low bass section, and a shimmering harp-celeste-mandolin patch. These sections also perform sustains and articulations that blend perfectly with the rest of the collection, ensuring every sound is in harmony. 🎻✨
Meticulously Recorded at Teldex Studio: Each sound has been carefully captured at the renowned Teldex Studio in Berlin, ensuring high-quality recordings that blend seamlessly with your existing Orchestral Tools libraries. With 4 mic positions—including Spot, Decca Tree, A/B mics, and surround mics—TIME Micro delivers exceptional clarity, air, and space in its sound. 🎧🎤
Unlock the Mystery of Time with TIME Micro
Discover a world of understated beauty and experimental sound with TIME Micro—a secret weapon for your music production toolbox. Perfect for creating textures, atmospheres, and time-bending moments. ⏳🎶
Size |
53.6GB |
Brand |
Orchestral Tools |
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