Spitfire Audio – Chamber Strings

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Small & detailed strings
We handpicked 16 of the finest string players to perform an encyclopaedia of articulations and techniques, expertly recorded in the world famous Hall at AIR Studios, London. This smaller section gives you more detail and focus than our Symphonic range, with Close, Tree and Ambient microphone positions, while still capturing the beautiful resonance of the hall.
This is our definitive chamber range – a hugely versatile classic that will enhance your film, TV and game scores and pop records.
Compatible with NKS


In Action

Chamber Evolutions and Chamber Strings

Intimacy & detail
The word ‘chamber’ describes a band that is smaller than a symphony orchestra — anything from a quartet to 40 players. Our aim was to create the definitive chamber strings project, recorded at The Hall at AIR Studios, giving you that highly sought-after widescreen blockbuster sound, with detail and intimacy — hard to achieve with larger-sized string sample libraries.
We give you 16 world-class players: four 1st violins, three 2nd violins, three violas, three cellos & three basses, expertly sampled. Choose from over 244 articulations — including 38 shorts, 53 longs, 19 FX, and 45 extraordinary legato patches, programmed by Andrew Blaney. Each sample has been recorded with multiple round robins and dynamic layers, presented with three essential and versatile microphone positions. In addition to each individual section, we also have a comprehensive selection of articulations and techniques presented in an ‘ensemble’ format, designed for sketching and composing, for instant satisfaction.
Key features
- 244 articulations: 38 shorts, 53 longs, 19 FX & 45 legatos
- 16 world-class London string players
- Recorded in situ using priceless valve and ribbon mics
- Neve Montserrat Pre-amps into a Neve 88R desk
- Recorded digitally at 96k via 2″ Studer tape
- Multiple dynamic layers and round robins
- Diverse and detailed, with both essential and totally unique articulations
- Legatos designed by Andrew Blaney
- Individual sections and ensembles
- NKS-ready

Behind the samples
Spitfire was built on a chamber strings project. Many of our friends, including A-list composers, complained that sampled strings were unwieldy, ill-defined and too epic. That for much of their output, sensitive and achingly beautiful quiet passages and searing lyricism required less players, and attention to detail. Our first iteration of Chamber Strings was released as a private project and became hugely popular amongst our peers.
Some, however, noted how it still sounded ‘kind of big’. So we returned to the chamber challenge with a question: How small can we go before it no longer sounds like a section? The answer was 4,3,3,3,3. A uniquely intimate group of extraordinary players in one of the best recording locations. Originally available in volumes, this project has been four years in the making. It is the Spitfire team’s absolute favourite string range, admired for its beauty, versatility and totally unique sonic character.
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The Ostinatum

Size |
80.9GB |
Brand |
Spitfire Audio |
Liz Clark (verified owner) –
The seller was very communicative and very prompt with downloading
Olivia Calderon (verified owner) –
Calvin Duran (verified owner) –
Info was complete, accurate. I will try you again.
Francine Odom (verified owner) –
They verify the quality of the items themselves, and of the sellers.
Great products at affordable prices.👍💗
Sonny Roberts (verified owner) –
swift and straightforward.💯
Louella Bowers (verified owner) –
Сайт был прост в использовании
Williams Pham (verified owner) –
Great product and service. Fast response when I had some issues.
Harland Sweeney (verified owner) –
On time and a good product with a great price.🤑
Marina Guerrero (verified owner) –
Thank you very much!😍
Israel Braun (verified owner) –
Seller was on top of it.
Communicated clear and timely⌚
Donte Shields (verified owner) –
customer service is very good💟✔️
Lynnette Mcpherson (verified owner) –
I highly recommend them!👍🤩
Denis Stevens (verified owner) –
Transaksi cepat dan mudah. Barang sesuai deskripsi
June Campos (verified owner) –
Etta Mcintyre (verified owner) –
Quick as a cheetah – the download had no time for slowness.👏👏
Gordon Poole (verified owner) –
Rapid download action – felt like a download champion.
Daniel Faulkner (verified owner) –
Awesome selection, service, politeness😊😊
Giuseppe Ibarra (verified owner) –
Seem less experience and great customer service
Raquel Hodge (verified owner) –
Feel very comfortable making a purchase on their site because of the security they offer🥰
Scarlett Price –
The Chamber Strings sample library is a game-changer for my compositions – the articulations sound incredibly realistic and powerful. Would definitely recommend!
Joseph Carter –
The quality of the strings is exceptional, delivering a rich and authentic sound that complements my compositions perfectly. Would highly recommend to any musician looking to enhance their orchestral arrangements.
Henry Bennett –
Absolutely blown away by the realistic sound and versatility of this string library – worth every penny!
Ava Morgan –
The sound quality is immaculate and the string sections blend together seamlessly. Would highly recommend this to any composer looking for realistic orchestral textures.
Lucas Gray –
Incredible strings sample library, the sound quality is top-notch and it’s incredibly versatile for composing various styles of music.